We have commissioned a series of essays, an unpaid work literature review 2019, and a literature scan from a Pacific perspective, looking at differing aspects of unpaid work from a variety of cultural perspectives and work-related settings. These essays reflect the authors' perspectives and are not Ministry policy documents.
- Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw - Unpaid caring work: telling the story of the glue that holds our communities together
- Dr Miriama Postlethwaite - Awhi mai Awhi atu
- Helga Wientjes - Measuring the value of unpaid work
- Karen Vercoe - Unpaid work - the ultimate form of love and servant leadership - a Māori women's perspective
- Kerri Anne Hancock - For the Kaupapa!
- Rob Campbell - The present and future of unpaid work
- Dame Marilyn Waring - Unpaid contributions are excluded from the primary data used to make public policy
- Dr Ganesh Nana - The value of unpaid labour
- Dr Seini Taufa - Re-defining unpaid work through the eyes of a taahine Tonga
- Dr Gill Greer - Women as caregivers for those with rare disorders
- Lucia Davis - The value of amazing things: Ethnic mothers’ work of care, regeneration, and reproduction
- Jean Mitaera - The value of unpaid work – a Cook Islands view
- Norah Barlow - Unpaid work and older care
Available formats and related files
Unpaid contributions are excluded from the primary data used to make public policy The present and future of unpaid work For the Kaupapa! Unpaid work - the ultimate form of love and servant leadership - A Māori woman’s perspective Measuring the value of unpaid work Awhi mai Awhi atu Unpaid caring work telling the story of the glue that holds our communities together Unpaid work and older care The value of unpaid work – a Cook Islands view The value of amazing things Ethnic mothers’ work of care, regeneration and reproduction Re-defining unpaid work through the eyes of a taahine Tonga The value of unpaid labour Women as caregivers for those with rare disorders