Official Information Act Requests - 2020
We are strengthening access to official information by publishing responses to Official Information Act (OIA) requests of public interest.
In the documents released below, some content would not be appropriate to release and, if requested, would be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). In this case, unless another section has been indicated, redactions made would apply under s9(2)(a) of the Act. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.
Available formats and related files
OIA response dated 18 December 2020 - Ministry payroll system (239924) OIA response dated 2 December 2020 - Briefing to Incoming Minister (BIM) (239923) OIA response dated 30 November 2020 - Ministry spending - Sensitive Expenditure (239922) OIA response dated 30 October 2020 - Nominations - Pacific women on Boards (238132) OIA response dated 18 September 2020 - Official Information Act 1982 requests received (238131 OIA Response Dated 15 September 2020 - Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill (238130) OIA Response Dated 31 August 2020 - Nominations - Aotearoa Board Diversity (238129) OIA Response Dated 31 August 2020 - Nominations - Process OIA Response Dated 3 August 2020 COVID- 19 Community Fund OIA Response Dated 31 July 2020 - Statistics on OIA Charging 2019-20 (238128) OIA Response Dated 7 July 2020 - Ministry Staffing - Restructures, Reorganisations, Etc. (238127) OIA Response Dated 7 July 2020 - Gender Analysis Tool (238126) OIA Response Dated 29 June 2020 - Ministry Use of Software Monitoring Tools (238118) OIA Response Dated 22 June 2020 - Self- Identification - Women (238117) OIA response dated 18 May 2020 - Ministry staffing - Voluntary Pay Cuts (233850) OIA response dated 18 May 2020 - Ministry staffing - Employment Equity for Māori Women in Public Sector (233849) OIA Response Dated 18 May 2020 - Leadership - Wāhine Māori statutory appointments (233848) OIA response dated 18 May 2020 - Leadership - Wāhine Māori in state sector leadership (233847) OIA Response Dated 18 May 2020 - Government Departments - Pathways of Progression for Wāhine Māori Employees (233846) OIA Response Dated 28 April 2020 - Ministry Definitions and Terminology Relating to Woman, Sex, Gender and Homosexuality (233845) OIA Response Dated 25 March 2020 - Ministry Work for With And About Lesbian Women (233843) OIA Response Dated 25 March 2020 - MInistry Staffing - Remuneration (232844) OIA Response Dated 24 March 2020 - Ministry Premises - Structural Testing of Building (233842) OIA Response Dated 24 March - Ministry Events - MC (233841) OIA Response Dated 25 February - The Application TikTok (231793) OIA Response Dated 30 January - Digital Translation (231792) OIA Response Dated 30 January - Complaints - 2015-2019 (231791) OIA Response Dated 14 January - Ethnicity of Staff (231790)